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Black Book Four (Miscellaneous Writings) Now available as a PDF version

It has been a cold dark mid-winter day, the wind is howling hard around Castle Black Hart, the rain lashes against the shutters. It is one of those days where dawn and dusk shook hands at lunchtime, and the cold fingers of night creep into every space and strangle the daylight. The flickering firelight throws dancing shadows on the walls and black shapes grow in the corners and nooks and crannies of the room.

It is a good day to be inside. It is a good day to sit by the fire. It is a good day to think of dark and hidden forces. It is a good day to sit and begin writing The Black Book IV!

It began with me thinking that I’d get a few items that I had written over the years for various publications and collate them together. Then I rediscovered a couple of effects that I have used but never published. The workings of these effects led me to think how could I better explain a couple of the ‘moves’, such as my ‘double lift’, ‘glide’ force and ‘double drop’? Having ‘explained’ them of course I then needed to write-up some effects that utilised them…

Ah! What about those magical stories about giant’s and elves that I have written for my grandchildren? They should go in the book as well. And so, The Black book IV began to grow, and here it is.

I hope for three things, firstly that you enjoy reading it, secondly, that you will learn something from it, and thirdly that it will inspire you. If you have already dipped your toe into the waters of Bizarre Magic, I hope it will inspire you to go ahead and dive in. If you are new to this genre of magic, I hope that you will likewise decide to ‘give it a go’.

I believe that my routine Regression alone is well worth the cost of this book. Perhaps one day I will manufacture all the props needed and add this to the Black Artefacts website shop.

Time to light another candle and let its flickering flame do its work on your imagination…

The Black Book IV, is ring bound with laminated covers, with many illustrations and is now available in PDF format. It is in A4 format with 96 double sided pages and contains the following effects:

There are also articles on:

Black Hart’s Tales of Elves & Giants (Available as an audio book):

Black Book IV is packed with content for both the novice and seasoned Bizarre Magic performer.

Cost: £25.00 (printed version) £12.50 (PDF version, which will be emailed to you)

“Well, that's a bit stunning. Lovely book...and thank-you.”

Gordon - UK

“Black Book IV is excellent, It’s nice to have a book on magic that you can read as opposed to trick after trick.”

Paul - UK

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