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Trickery for Tarot readers How to make your Tarot readings extra special!

Let me quote from the book itself:

“Trickery for Tarot Readers is not about performing ‘tricks’ with Tarot cards. It is about using techniques that are available to the ‘magician’ who performs card tricks but adapting them so that you as a Tarot Reader, can demonstrate the ‘magick’ and power that is latent in the Tarot.

Is Trickery for Tarot Readers too simple for experienced magicians who want to do Tarot readings? Won’t they know all the ‘effects’ and ‘trickery’ detailed herein?

Yes, they may, but this is most certainly a book for those experience in card work – because THIS is not ordinary card work. This is TAROT card work. The magician experienced in working with playing cards and doing ‘card tricks’ needs to get into a completely different mind set when dealing with Tarot cards, and this booklet will guide such card workers along the correct path to success doing Tarot readings.

Follow the lessons herein and you will be seen as a mystic, a seer, a person with arcane knowledge. Just do your card tricks with Tarot cards and you will be a mere conjuror, doing tricks that anyone can learn. The mystic on the other hand has a skill with something otherworldly, with powers that are yet to be understood.

The Tarot reader new to this genre will learn all the skills they need to take their ‘readings’ to a much higher level. The explanations in this work are simple and assume no prior ‘magical’ (in the sense of conjuring) knowledge.

The presentations in TFTR all come from mainstream magic books, they are well known principles, and may have been dismissed by the card workers as being too easy, too simple, too obvious. All are certainly simple and none of them involve complex sleight of hand, they may even be self-working.

Easy, simple, and self-working however, are all great attributes to those of us who walk a different path from the conjurors and finger flingers. As for too obvious – yes, they may be obvious if you present them as, “I do this, and this happens, aren’t I clever?” But presented in the context of a Tarot reading to a sitter who is of a mind to believe in such things, now that is a different matter altogether!”

Trickery for Tarot Readers, includes the following:

In other words – everything you as a Tarot reader need to know to take your readings up to a higher level and to stand out from all other readers your clients are likely to come across.

TFTR, is a comb bound 25 page book, packed with useful and useable information. It is written and published by the Black Hart and is exclusive to Black Artefacts. If you really want to do well at Tarot reading for corporate events or private parties TFTR is an essential part of your armoury.

Printed Version (including instructional DVD) Cost: £35.00 includes instructional DVD

eBook Version Cost: £10.00

If you don’t do Tarot reading now, but would like a simple, proven method of doing so, then you need The Black Hart’s Tarot Made Easy course. Or you could go for the complete Psychic Reader’s Kit. Both are exclusive to Black Artefacts. Coupled with Trickery for Tarot Readers, you have everything you need to make money being a successful Tarot and Psychic reader!

Please select which version you require:
Printed Version inc. DVD eBook Version