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Pendulum Plus

More than just a pendulum, this is a superb ‘Psychic Reader’s tool.  The pendulum supplied is a top quality heavy chrome metal (designs may vary depending on availability).

Your volunteer or sitter chooses any one of 6 objects (tarot cards, playing cards or any small objects), you do not see which they choose.  They hold the object for a few seconds, then they are all laid out in a row. Next they take the pendulum and hold it over the ‘mat’. You point at one object and ask if it was the chosen one.  The pendulum (they are holding) swings and answers the question yes/no etc.  You have no idea which was chosen, they simply hold the pendulum and it seems to take on a life of its own as it swings back and forth as if under the influence of some hidden power as it accurately answers the questions.

Everything can be examined, there is nothing to find. Remember THEY hold the pendulum, you DO NOT know which object was chosen and it is a genuine free choice.  The pendulum does all the work for you.

You receive the specially engineered chrome metal pendulum on a metal ‘ball’ chain with a pentagram at the top and a pocket size laminated pendulum ‘mat’, velvet drawstring bag (designs may vary). This is a top quality effect that will be much appreciated by any psychic magician.

Cost: £37.50

“Once again I was very impressed with the quality of the props. The packaging was as professional as ever. I had this up and running after only a few minutes practice. There is no real skill as the pendulum does all the work for you. The routine you get with it is very good. You could make this as creepy as you wished.”  Stephen - (UK)

Check out our Pendulum Plus and Divinator offer