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Curse of the Black Death

A set of Tarot cards are shown, strung together with black ribbon. The cards are handed to a volunteer and you tell a macabre story of how The Black Death came to Europe and of how a King and his courtiers tried to outwit The Angel of Death.

The volunteer chooses a Tarot card (no force) to represent the only survivor from the court.  This chosen Tarot is mixed back into the pack and they are again threaded onto the black ribbon.

The volunteer holds the cards and you hold the ribbon. Suddenly The Angel of Death strikes and you pull on the ribbon, snatching the cards from the grasp of the volunteer. However one soul (card) is left in the volunteers hands.  It is the one chosen by them to survive! Everything can be examined afterwards, you are left completely clean.

There is a free choice of Tarot, and it can be different every time. You receive 10 Tarot picture cards, a length of black ribbon and full script and instructions by The Black Hart. Design of Tarot cards may differ from those shown.

Cost: £15.00